Category: Newsletters



 INTERNATIONAL: a) Online: Donate here via AVI USA donation portal. AVI (Auroville International) USA helps us channel funds from around the world into India. To support their work they take 10% of every donation. This goes into further fundraising and spreading awareness of Auroville and it’s projects (including Deepam).  b) Via personal cheque: All cheques […]

After my studies I wanted to go out in the world. A year of voluntary work with the Weltwärts- Programme felt like just the right thing to do. At Deepam I felt welcomed by the children and the team from the very first moment. I loved my work so much that I extended my stay […]

Mareike Nach dem Studium war für mich klar. Ich muss erst mal raus. Und das Weltwärts-Jahr in Deepam war da genau das Richtige für mich. Von Anfang an habe ich mich willkommen gefühlt – von den Kindern sowohl als vom Team. Es hat mir so gut dort gefallen, dass ich sogar um 3 Monate verlängert […]