Author: Deepam
After my studies I wanted to go out in the world. A year of voluntary work with the Weltwärts- Programme felt like just the right thing to do. At Deepam I felt welcomed by the children and the team from the very first moment. I loved my work so much that I extended my stay […]
Mareike Nach dem Studium war für mich klar. Ich muss erst mal raus. Und das Weltwärts-Jahr in Deepam war da genau das Richtige für mich. Von Anfang an habe ich mich willkommen gefühlt – von den Kindern sowohl als vom Team. Es hat mir so gut dort gefallen, dass ich sogar um 3 Monate verlängert […]
Deepam’s branch at Nadukuppam
Deepam’s branch at Nadukuppam Our outreach centre at Nadukuppam was officially inaugurated in 2019. We lit oil-lamps and our older students sang beautiful mantras. With this new centre, it is our ambition to serve children with special needs and their families in that rural area. Thereare already ten 2-12-year-old children who are supported individually for […]