Category: Activities
Day care programme
There are up to 30 children and youth attending our day care programme. This group is very mixed and ranging from five to over thirty-years-old with various disabilities and individual special needs. Many of them have learning disabilities often combined with a poor concentration span and hyperactivity. Some have multiple impairments and require diverse therapeutic […]
Students under our day care programme
Nagammalwas born in 1989 in the nearby village into a family with three older brothers. She was unwanted and her mother had tried to abort her. When she first came to the “Old Playground” she was about three and a half years old and was not able to walk because of severe undernourishment. She was […]
Outpatients come for treatment
Babies and small children come with their parents for physio-, occupational- and / or speech therapy. Some of them come daily or several times per week, others irregularly as they come from further away. We expect their parents to participate and cooperate to achieve the maximum result. This individual care is very time intensive and […]
House visits at the villages
It is essential for us to know the social situation and background of all our children. Some years ago we used to do more house visits so that we could reach out to the villages, because we thought it would be the best way to do community-based rehabilitation. Soon we came to the conclusion that […]
Outings and field-trips
Our children come from poor families and they are usually not taken out. Once a year we have a full day outing when we rent a big bus and leave in the early morning. This event is usually well planned and organised. In the wee hours of the morning some of our team members come […]
Celebrations & events
These are important events which bring us together even more. There are many occasions such as birthdays, farewells for volunteers or guests who offer a special programme such as clowning or theater games. We do celebrate Christmas which is usually not celebrated at the homes of our children, as most of them originate from “Hindu” […]
Deepam’s branch at Nadukuppam
Deepam’s branch at Nadukuppam Our outreach centre at Nadukuppam was officially inaugurated in 2019. We lit oil-lamps and our older students sang beautiful mantras. With this new centre, it is our ambition to serve children with special needs and their families in that rural area. Thereare already ten 2-12-year-old children who are supported individually for […]